How can we earn money using Telegram?
Telegram has now become a money making factory for many people. This has attracted more people to this application to try their luck. Many people fail and lose their capital.…
اخبار فناوری
Telegram has now become a money making factory for many people. This has attracted more people to this application to try their luck. Many people fail and lose their capital.…
ارزیابی میزان تشعشعات گوشی تلفن همراه در سازمان تنظیم مقررات به گزارش اخبار فناوری , در بخش کانال فناوری ,به گزارش خبرنگار فناوری، امیر لاجورودی معاون وزیر ارتباطات و فناوری…